"Most of the time I think of myself as being a child,
continuously rediscovering the world."
-- dEpAUL --
"Every sunrise brings the beginning of the rest of your life " "Always be free" "Om alle bergen te zien, stop je best net voor de top." -- dEpAUL -- "If you are used to bend the rules, "Ik heb nooit veel talent gehad, |
"Too much fun will kill you, but from too less you will die" "I've always found the road more exciting than the destination" 'There is only one road to walk on. "To live |
"To choose, to decide, to know, to feel... "Words were not and are not enough to express the many emotions and insights I need to share with the world" |
"During the day I die "Alwas try to forgive people "De schaduw die we op deze wereld werpen hangt af van het licht waarin we willen staan" "A painter must paint" |