Gisteren kreeg ik volgend nieuws:
Beste, Goed nieuws! Uit de meer dan 900 ingediende werken voor HOMMAGE selecteerden de jury bestaande uit Sophie Lauwers, Anouk De Clercq en Vincent Geyskens jouw werk voor de tweede ronde. Dit betekent dat je nog steeds kans maakt op één van de begeerde plekjes tijdens de expo bij BOZAR. Another 24 Hrs. Date: 30/04 - 1/05This time I'm not alone. More art, more competition, more to come...soon
This year I join the valentine movement :)
When people come together and families are merged. Made this for a couple that is just doing this today. May they be happy together. Sometimes people ask me about my style?
I do master some styles, but why would I constrain myself to one style???? Freedom is important to me and that's why I came about to call it "liberationisme". A word I often use and have made to be my own. Actually, I don't know how images reach a canvas they just do and I am the middleman who hasn't got a clue. When I let go of the world/everything it just kinda comes to be. The emotion is what is left when I leave the canvas. Anyways, I am who I am and I do what I do without regret or second thoughts. |
AuteurA look behind the scenes... CategorieënArchives
November 2023